Angsa Jenius

"Jika tidak sibuk dengan kebaikan, berarti kita tengah sibuk dalam keburukan, atau minimal kesia-siaan."

7 random facts

Friday, April 23, 2010
and this is some random facts about me for now
1. next week, i wont come to class because of my batizado workshop for four days
2. i have so so sooo many new books i havent read yet
3. next sunday i'll have SHAKTI photo 
4. i borrow some bollywood films from Lintang*my BEM friend and i'll spend some of my busy time to watch it
5. i should go to dentist once a week and it really spend out my money
6. a just dont want to become a lazy student amongst my dilligent friends
7. im addicted of blogging! tapi tetep aja ni blog masih kacau kacau aja lol

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