Angsa Jenius

"Jika tidak sibuk dengan kebaikan, berarti kita tengah sibuk dalam keburukan, atau minimal kesia-siaan."

Welcome the Fresh New Looks !!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

well, the first i need to say is :

Welcome to my Fresh New Looks Blog! It's the New Angsa Jenius :)

i have just changed the theme, rearranged my widgets,  and add a new beautiful swan into it. It's my fave swan pict of all my swan photos, looks elegant, cute and so artistic yeah!

Enjoy reading on Angsa Jenius!

Huwaa huwaaa huwaaaa!!!
fatal error!!  i tried many times to submit comment to my new-looks-blog but it always failed! anybody knows??
heeellppp! really need help!

if you find the way to submit comment, just do and tell me on your comment how. omg..or just text me in

tons of thanks for helping :) and billions of thanks for visiting Angsa Jenius :)
1 comment on "Welcome the Fresh New Looks !!"
  1. hahahaa..get it!

    i just need to click on 'leave a response' lol
    i tried to click on anothers, got nothing but worries haha.
    *sorry for being too panic haha


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